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The INPP programme

The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP) was founded in 1975 by Peter Blythe, PhD, to investigate whether there was a relationship between an immature nervous system and difficulties with learning and behaviour. Since its founding, the INPP has developed a reliable system to assess NMI and has treated thousands of children using specific, tailored, non-invasive exercise programmes – the INPP method. This is the original neuro-development programme.

The INPP defines NMI as “the continued presence of a cluster of aberrant primitive reflexes above six months of age and absent or underdeveloped postural reflexes above the age of three and a half years” (Goddard Blythe 2009).

How it works

If you think your child might be suffering from neuromotor immaturity and is displaying some of the ‘Signs’ listed, the first step is to complete a free Screening ‘Questionnaire‘. This is suitable for anyone over the age of seven.

The questionnaire looks at the child’s developmental history, from the antenatal history, through to the birth, early years and schooling. Its purpose is to identify whether there might be a neurological basis to your child’s problems.

Once you have submitted the questionnaire, I will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know whether the INPP method might be suitable for your child.

The next step is to organise an initial consultation with you and your child, where we will discuss the development history in more detail and carry out some standard physical tests. We will also discuss how the INPP method works, and give you chance to consider whether you would like to proceed, if it is appropriate to do so.

Then it is important to carry out a diagnostic assessment, examining gross and fine motor skills using a series of standard physical, non-invasive tests – such as the way a child moves, how well they can balance and how coordinated they are. Testing the primitive reflexes and postural reflexes makes it possible to gauge how mature the nervous system is and to see where it is, developmentally. With this information, an exercise programme can be set up for your child. You will also be given a written report on the findings of this assessment, which will also include ideas for recommended support for the child’s school.

The INPP method is a movement programme which specifically targets the presence of immature reflexes by providing exercises appropriate to the level of developmental maturity. This allows your child’s nervous system a ‘second chance’ to develop as it should have. The exercises are tailored to each individual, to target their specific needs. Your child is required to do supervised simple movements, either on the floor or sitting, slowly and accurately for five to eight minutes every day. Their progress will then be monitored by reviews every 6 to 8 weeks.

PricesINPP licentiate logo

Screening Questionnaire: free

I am more than happy to have a free chat on zoom or on the phone before you commit to the initial consultation or the programme to explain more about what is involved and to answer any particular questions. Please get in touch on the ‘contact us‘ page to arrange a time.

Initial Consultation (1 hour): £75 – this can be in person or on zoom

Neuromotor Assessment and written report (2-3 hours): £325

Reviews (1hour at 6-8 week intervals): £75

Typically, an INPP programme lasts approximately a year, and so the average cost of the programme should be around £850, unless extra reviews are needed. (Please still get in touch if you think your child might benefit from the programme but are worried about the cost during the current ‘cost of living’ crisis to see what can be done.)